If you do what you love, the money will follow...right?

September 28, 2007

Antsy? Well, yes I am...

So, I've been waiting, waiting, waiting -- for nearly 2 months! -- to get my invitation to "Ravelry". Every knitter I know and respect has been on for months, most as beta folks, and they are raving about how wonderful it is. Folks are swapping stash photos, completed projects, works in progress, and generally sharing their fiber addiction. I want some!

This morning, when I went to check my place -- 1,040 away, whoo hooo -- I noticed that the directory for the list checker is "antsy" (www.ravelry.com/antsy/check) . Hee hee hee... I love that even as they are being deluged with invitation requests -- there are 10 thousand people behind me -- they have a sense of humor!

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