If you do what you love, the money will follow...right?

October 23, 2008


Black and White quilt number two! here's how it ended up...

satin blanket binding and hot pink satin for the back

October 14, 2008

Today's WIP

a second black and white crib quilt (1-1/2 yr later) for my other daughter...
to go with the first one here.

cut and pieced today during nap time (un-ironed and -trimmed)
pink satin will be the back...i think I'll fill in the long narrow pieces and make it square 40x40"

October 09, 2008

Classic White'ish

A finished project done mostly in white which I prefer not to work in again. For me it was the ultimate challenge since I am anything but white. This is the only time I have ever cut with right angle precision and sewing. Every square lined up. This was for Stephen Martone.

Almost Finished

Here is the girlie patchwork that I did for my co-worker. It's been a year waiting to be closed up but I think I am ready now. It's a classic patchwork askew.

October 06, 2008


Love Love Love the redesign!
Very nice Sister!

Cal's Pirate Blankie!

it would have made a lot more sense if I had actually photographed the present that
goes with this blankie... alas, I did not.
Here it is...

What I Want ...

Where better to long "out loud" for the knitterly goodies that I want?
How cool would it be to do an art workshop with Mia? Here's the first I've seen designed for adults and children -- Art and Soul Retreat -- in Portland, no less.

October 05, 2008

An idea for DC

So, I'm wondering if there is any market in DC for a place where you could come do sewing and other crafts, with an hourly rental rate?

There are several that I've seen popping up lately in other communities.
I'm picturing a place with classrooms for sewing (tables and machines), knitting & crochet (sitting), a sewing classroom, and other crafts (worktables). We'd sell some notions and materials too.

October 01, 2008

Fabric Shopping!

Well, if I'm not actually sewing something, at least I'm thinking of future projects, right?
Mom gave me a lovely gift certificate to reprodepot.com, what fun!

and, I have been sewing, so there!

I'm finishing up a birthday pirate themed lovely for friend Cal, and
a simple "vintage" sheet 8x8" block crib sized quilt...it took exactly
1 naptime period to cut and sew the quilt top and binding. I'm naming

And that evening, when I showed it to my DH, he suggested that I punch
up the color by doing a heavily contrasty binding. NICE.

HERE'S the photo at last:

as of 10/14 still not done with the knotting...struggling with them...any suggestions?