If you do what you love, the money will follow...right?

January 04, 2009

She shoots, she scores!

Can't post a picture yet (promise I will, really) but I'm so excited about the mittens I was working on. I thought the pattern seemed ginormous, but it turned out I can't add (6+2+3 does not equal 9) and they weren't that long...and then I realized part of the problem was these silly pointy tips. I made a few modifications to the tip (and to the top of the inside portion, which other folks commented were better ribbed). I'm happy to report that I've got JUST enough yarn to finish both.

BTW, Mia has even agreed that flip-top mitten might be cool enough for her. I think I'll be adding a pair to my knitting queue for her. It's only taken a year...

1 comment:

Nikki Kimboko said...

so, um, who else is on your knitting queue? :)
i hope you are well, you seem to be having a WONDERFULLY crafty vacation from parenting!xooxoxoxoxxoloveyou