If you do what you love, the money will follow...right?

January 03, 2009

Nope, still no housework...

So, I've got a pair of shortie socks on needles for me now. I feel much better and they'll just lurk in my knitting bag as a back-up project. Phew...

I've been working on flip-top mittens to go with a hat for a holiday gift still unfinished. The pattern seems ginormous, but I'm going to keep going with it. I guess I could line them with fleece or something if they're too floppy...

Oh, btw, Yolanda and Salim loved the sweater and kufi for Jabril. He's a dollbaby; I got to hold and feed him, then cuddle him to sleep. Ahh...babies are good! (especially when you get to leave them at their mother's house)

Off to do some free knitting drop-in hours at the public library. Worst case, I get two hours of knitting with friends...

1 comment:

Nikki Kimboko said...

hmm flip top mitten gloves huh! I know someone who would love a pair in XXXL (steven)! he needs a new pair in black of course!! for the knitting wish list!